visitor studies and audience engagement

We offer a number of services, tools, and training options to help you bring visitor voices to the table. Whether you’re seeking to grow your audience or discover the spark that becomes your next exhibit, we’ll provide expert data and analysis that will steer you in the right direction.

Based on your organization’s needs, we’ll provide a customized portfolio of the following services as part of our visitors studies and audience engagement consultation:

On-site observational studies
Structured interviews with visitors
Focus groups
On-and off-site visitor surveys
Construction of visitor feedback instruments tailored to your organization
Processing and statistical analysis of new or existing visitor data
An easy to understand and actionable report that include benchmarks, priorities, and trends

Our partner, Dr. Josh Howard, is a nationally-recognized visitors studies professional who has designed audience engagement research for Women’s Right’s National Historical Park and Gettysburg Seminary Ridge Museum. To chat with Josh about a visitors studies packing for your organization, please e-mail